Watercolor Layering: 5 Tips For Creating Depth, Intensity, And Color
Course Level:
Total Run Time:
52 minutes
Total Videos:
Course Description:
One of the most important skills you can learn as a watercolor artist is how to layer your watercolors. Most new watercolorists overlook this essential skill and end up frustrated with their work because it doesn’t turn out the way they expected. The truth is, watercolor is meant to be layered – like, a lot.
If you try to create a painting with only a few layers, you will end up with something that is flat and lacks contrast or visual complexity. Layering adds immense depth, color intensity, and deep contrast that you can’t get any other way with this medium.
This course will walk you through the basic steps to layering, as well as my five best tips for layering effectively and two projects that focus on layering.
What You Will Learn:
Supplies You’ll Need:
Explore Class Projects:
In this course, you’ll learn to create these amazing class projects, but more importantly, you’ll learn how to create your own pieces in the future.
What’s In The Course?
Course Level: Beginner
Run Time: 52 minutes
The Watercolour Academy so far has prioritised basic techniques over fast tracking projects. It's good to see that WC painting is definitely a skill requiring a lot of practice and consistency. Layering, water control and colour application are covered in ways that are easily demonstrated and understood. I am enjoying so much expanding my skill set thanks to Foxsy!!!